Posts Tagged ‘trash’

How do you know that your recycling items are actually recycled?

We have recently had to take our recycling rather than it be picked up. The bin we take it to is commingled recyclables- which means that it all goes in together. It made me wonder, is there someone that recycles all of this by dividing out the glass, paper, etc. or does it all just go to the landfill with the regular trash anyway?

The Truth About Recycling | ZapRoot

Discover what really happens with your recyclables. Its time for another round of That’s Just Weird. ZapRoot Community Store Newsletter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Recyclebank…

How could i start an aerosol can recycling program in my town?

I just noticed at my work how much of these things we use but in a small southern town not to many people care at all about recycling. How could i get a program started so people will recycle their aerosol cans rather than just dump them in the trash. I’m just an average citizen with limited funds and no city government connections so what could i do?

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