Posts Tagged ‘Climate Change’

Plug-in Hybrids: Renewable Energy Solution of the Month

Support Climate Denial Crock of the Week – go to This video inaugurates a new series, that will augment, but not replace, “Climate Denial Crock of the Week”. Many people seem to think dealing with climate change will bring poverty and limit human development. The truth may be exactly the opposite. Moving to a world of where we aren’t fighting each other over the last few drops of oil, where energy is free, will mean a better life, with greater opportunities even for an expanding population. If we make the right decisions, we could be on the verge of the most prosperous period in human history. Climate Denial Crocks will be back soon to tweak trolls and ding deniers. http

The Energy Report – 4/21/10

Susan McGinnis anchors this afternoon’s Clean Skies News Energy Report from Washington, DC. On the program: -Oil rig explodes off Louisiana coast; 11 missing. -The Senate Agriculture Committee approves legislation limiting the ability of Wall Street banks to trade derivatives. -EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson sees a vital role for EPA if the US caps carbon emissions. -After years of squabbling, A major natural gas deal is announced between Russia and Ukraine.

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