Why It Is So Important To Use Solar Power?
It is generally known that one of the major factors in the civilization development is the energy sources use. We basically use traditional energy resources, such as – oil or coal and natural gas. This causes great environmental pollution of our common home called Earth. Hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil are being merged into the ocean, millions of tons of carbon dioxide are being emitted into the atmosphere, four hundred nuclear power plants produce tens of tons of radioactive waste.
Moreover, it is not only about pollution. The stocks of these traditional sources are not infinite. Therefore, they are referred to non-renewable energy sources.
Solar energy is widely used for water heating and for electricity production. The solar collectors are made from available materials such as steel, copper, aluminum etc. They are being processed without the use of scarce and expensive silicon. This reduces the cost of equipment and energy produced by it significantly. At present time, in particular, solar water heating is the most effective way of solar energy converting.
In 2001, the cost of electricity produced in solar collectors was $ 0.1 – $ 0.11 per kW • h. U.S. Department of Energy predicts that the cost of electricity produced by solar concentrators will drop to $ 0.38 – $ 0.46 within 2015-2020.
In 2007, Algeria began the construction of hybrid plants. In the daytime electricity is being taken from the parabolic concentrators and from natural gas at night.
Solar collectors can be used in cooking. The temperature in the collector focus may reach 140-150 ° C. These dishes can be widely applied in developing countries. The price of materials used for “solar kitchen” manufacture is about $ 4 – $ 6. Wood is also widely used for cooking in developing countries.
Traditional pockets for cooking have thermal efficiency of about 10%. The use of firewood for cooking leads to massive deforestation. For instance, more than 65 million tons of CO2 gets to the atmosphere from the burning of biomass in India annually. In Uganda, the average monthly household consumes 450 kg of firewood.
While cooking, housewives inhale large amounts of smoke that leads to an increase in the incidence of respiratory tract. According to the World Health Organization in 19 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Pakistan and Afghanistan 800 thousand children and 500 thousand women died from respiratory disease in 2006.
There are various international programs for solar kitchens` distributing. For instance, Finland and China signed an agreement on delivering of almost 20 000 solar kitchens in 31 villages in China in 2008. This will reduce CO2 emissions by 1.8 million tons in 2008-2012. In the future, Finland will be able to sell quotas for these emissions.
One of Swiss companies has developed a technology for producing hydrogen from water using parabolic solar concentrators. Square of mirror installation is approximately 94 m2. Focus concentrator’s temperature reaches 2100 ° C. Water begins to split into hydrogen and oxygen at temperatures over 1700 ° C. During daylight hours (about 6.5 hours that is to say 6.5 kW • h/m².) more than 94.9 litres of water can split into hydrogen and oxygen on the plant. Hydrogen production will be 3700 kg. annually (about 10 kg. per day).
Be smart and use the help of solar power grants to convert your life to better ecological balance with nature. Read about solar power grants, how to make proper use of them and where you can get these solar power grants.
P.S. Good knowledge makes life easier.
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