Solar Energy: Important Info To Consider
United States of America, having huge amount of solar resources, were in the forefront of research in the field of solar energy and kept the lead from the beginning of the century. Although the government of the United States is still focused on the priority of nuclear energy, yet it is directly or indirectly provides significant research in the field of solar energy. Even the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) has its own laboratories, which study the sun.
The biggest aid (from the state) is conducted through NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), NSF (National Science Foundation), NED (Office of Housing and Urban Development). In September 1974 the law was ratified, which provides special budget for the establishment of solar heating systems ( “Law on the use of solar energy for space heating and cooking”).
Approximately 80 large companies, including such giants as General Electric, Westinghouse, Motorola, DuPont, Honey-well, Corning, PA PG Industry and Arthur D. Little, Inc. together explored opportunities in the market with the help of special institutions in 70s. The conclusion from their studies said that the industry of solar energy for household purposes (space heating, hot water, cooking) would produce 1,3 billion dollars in profit by 1985. The time confirmed their research was correct.
According to forecasts, the sun that is hardly used now as an energy source, will meet about a quarter of the country’s energy needs by 2020 in the USA and can help reduce oil imports, especially taking into consideration that by that time oil and natural gas extraction in the United States will be negligible.
To increase the role of solar energy efforts are needed. First of all, and it promises the greatest effect, you need to make direct use of solar energy to heating and cooling of buildings both in the private sphere and in industry and agriculture, and secondly, you need to be able to convert solar energy into electricity, that will open an inexhaustible source of electricity; in the long term, this goal has the highest priority, and thirdly, solar energy should be used for the extraction of gas from the fertilizer, wood and other household waste. Although, of course, the technology, known as biological energy, is not in a position to make a significant contribution to the conservation of energy to the next century.
Americans try to keep up: a well-known environmentalist, former Vice-President Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore urged the US government to transform all the electricity sources onto the renewable sources, to make it completely independent from the traditional hydrocarbon resources in the nearest 10 years. According to the American press, Gore for himself has solved this problem long time ago: he installed solar panels at his home, energy-saving fluorescent lamps and other environmental “curiosities”.
Appeals of the former Vice President fit into the state program of the U.S. development of solar energy. By analogy with the European it is called the “Million Solar Roofs”.
Be smart and use the help of solar power grants to convert your life to enhanced ecological balance with nature. Read about solar power grants, how to make proper use of them and where you can find these solar power grants.
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