Modern Solar Energy And Its Main Concepts

It is known that the concept of solar energy means using of the available almost anywhere in the world of solar radiation energy through its conversion into electricity or heat. And in the first case, the transformation uses the photoelectric effect, which occurs in specialized semiconductor devices – photovoltaic cells. And crystalline silicon photo converters for land application have become the most common. They make more than 90% of the world market nowadays.

Modern solar energy “employs” many companies that produce metallurgical silicon, grow monocrystalline or multicristal ingots, cut them into plates, fabricate photovoltaic cells on the basis of these plates and assemble transducers into solar modules. They are further installed in various types of target systems –both into small, designed to provide an electric current of small loads such as lights, parking machines, telephones or water pumps and to large solar power plants, which generate electricity for mass consumption.

The uniqueness of solar energy lies upon its immense promise. There is no secret that many major capitals have formed due to the oil and gas decades ago, that is to say the so-called traditional sources of energy. Just as it is no secret that the reserves of traditional energy sources over the years are being depleted, and prices for them are growing respectively. And in a certain number of years, mankind shall face the fact that oil and gas would have come to an end. Therefore, many states and large corporations are puzzled by looking for the reasonable alternatives. One of the main alternatives is the use of solar energy.

Looking back for 10 years ago today, we can see an incredible trend of growth in electricity consumption produced by converting the sun light into electric current by 25-30% annually. And, despite all the crises and turmoil in world markets, this trend keeps on and will keep on during at least the next 25-30 years.

What does this mean? I think that in 10-20 years, solar power together with the use of wind energy and biomass will become a new oil and gas of 21st century. Of course, I may make a mistake in their assessments on terms, but still it would not be the very big mistake. And the capital will be made on such a business in the future – it is the prospect for alternative energy. And we are not talking about any “next bubble” here. So, only people who are utterly unfamiliar with the topic and try to earn cheap popularity at its position can speak in such a way.

The life shows that in order to participate in the “solar” pie sharing tomorrow we must begin to bake today. The situation says that the threshold of entry into the market of solar energy is still not very high and a large number of potential markets are still not covered by the proposals. The current level of prices still can get reasonable payback periods of “solar” projects, even of small scale. Although we can say that the trend of the electricity cost reducing generated from alternative sources maintains and it will be equal to the cost of conventional electricity very soon. And then you can recoup only the very large projects that require huge investments. And despite the attractiveness the market entry threshold would be too high for most of potential players.

Luckily we live in the times when the government start to realize the value of living in harmony with the nature on this planet. And solar power grants is a real case proof of it. If you want to switch to solar energy, please read more about how solar power grants and how exactly you can exploit these solar power grants for your living.

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