Episode 2: Recycle or die!

Improper recycling habits, meet your untimely end. Keep America Beautiful Man is here! From the creators of “The Life and Times of Tim.”

25 Responses to “Episode 2: Recycle or die!”

  • crazyegg1982 says:


  • aMt0be928 says:

    Sweet Video!

  • mallamace says:

    This is really bad. I know it’s trendy to go green. But now there are stupid animations? C’mon people… there are more important things to worry about like why it costs so much for me to drive to work. Liberal Effers.

  • kenttran6 says:

    hahah verbal warning

  • kabmanKAB says:

    Like I said, I like P&T as much as the next guy, but that episode uses very old data. Remember, just a few years ago there were only a handful of places in the U.S. that even had curbside. Today, there are thousands. The economics and the infrastructure are over the tipping point now where recycling is profitable and thus less distance to market, etc. Look it up, ace.

    J. Winston Porter? That’s the guy’s name?!?! Still classic P&T.

  • SOLDIERF1 says:

    Wrong, my argument is not whether recycling is econimcally viable but the downright lie that it actually does anything for the environment, we are just being used as unpaid waste separators and collectors for some fat cat to make money for absolutely no net environmental gain. ITS A CON TRICK!!

  • millmel says:

    Floppers! LOL

  • kabmanKAB says:

    Actually, many sources of their data, including the New York Times, have retracted. Penn and Teller aren’t real “sources” so they haven’t officially changed. Again, do some research beyond HBO and feel free to enlighten us all with specifics.

  • SOLDIERF1 says:

    I used to go recycling, recycling was for me,
    Until I found out recently much of it sails across the sea!1
    What a joy it was once to profess to save the earth,
    Until I found out recently that recycling had such little worth!2
    Handing in my newspapers from that I couldn’t budge,
    Until I found out recently much of it’s turned to toxic sludge!3
    Collecting glass in droves and driving many a mile,
    Until I found out recently they can end up wasted in a pile!4

  • friskyferret94 says:

    hahahahahaha HANDCUFFS!!!! “thats a little weird” hahahahahahaha i’m surprised he didn’t keep those too

  • friskyferret94 says:

    It’s a joke. This isn’t pro or anti recycling or anything. It’s just a funny animation. And what is an “effer”.

  • StephanieAnn1234 says:

    I love how they do the eyes, it adds so much more character!

  • johnie1992a says:


  • coolmancameron says:

    i wonder wat they needed the handcuffs for lol

  • SOLDIERF1 says:

    Try this on utube:
    UK Rubbish Exported To China

  • kurtschwochow says:

    me like

  • HTAFC51 says:

    very good!!
    although Recycling Boy already exists, so check out recycling boy!! :D

  • scottypaul266 says:

    Recycle cos then you dont have to stop using too much. wow look at all the amazing products with all the nice wrapping me want me want. and i recycle so i am not hurting the planet am i?
    wait while i stop my 4 wheel drive to tip i mean recycle all my can and bottles and paper i do try but i cant live with out my bottles papers. stop consuming buy for need not fashion or fad or cos your worth it you are not and if you are really serious dont breed the planet good without your sprogs “recycling”

  • nicolealicia5 says:

    nice video…i have a recycling video of my own, you should check it out….not as animated as yours though.

  • geekgerlie says:

    Reminds me a lot of “Home Movies” (a la early adult swim), but with a point. Quite entertaining!

  • kundan37 says:

    i love the floppwers and the handcuffs and the names
    great vid

  • KidVlogger317 says:

    well atleast some of it gets recylced

  • MaestroEmbassy says:


  • mazz1234567908 says:

    are you serious?

  • Invaderphantomstar11 says:

    Lazer Wolf?….mayby….?, som-somthing with wolf in it?….

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