Always Recycle
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! http i made this video after being awake for over 30 hours… i rule
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! http i made this video after being awake for over 30 hours… i rule
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@MsdARKandtWISTYgal Lol the water would evaporate, go back into the clouds, and rain down again.
@CerealIDefeatYou tushay
@Plutopancakes ok this comment made me crack up so hard, bahaha thats so true!!!!! =D
@3bubble3gum3 oh i no some guys dress so, soo- bleh
awh man u no how to work it with the recyclin bin! mhm u told that trash can
This should totally be a commercial.
I would scream if you were on my tv.-3
No, he was fertilizing the cement
In Soviet Russia, green grass love you
dude u r the shit
cat fight!! xD
The next time i walk by a trash can Im so flipping it off
this is the video that made me subscribe to you guys! this video is pimpin!!
I bet at 1:44 the trashcan was like, *tear,tear*
funniest vid in a long time..what can top this…TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I missed watching all the old LiveLavaLive videos (: you should do one like this again!
i would kill to be that recycling bin =D
i never thought anyone could ever have that much fun with a plastic container. xD
@Xtayzee719X well…..
whoa… a yellow recycling bin!?!?!? I thought they were supposed to be blue hahaha.
lmfao !! No seriously, i just woke up my friend who was sleeping behind me & its 6 in the morning. XD
i completely lost it when you kicked the bin at 0:15
I would so love to be that recycle bin… xDD
haha where is this at?
This was sooooo shit
hahahahahhhahhahahhahahha this is funny stuff