Global warming skeptics

Amidst the global call to save Mother Nature from total destruction brought about by the phenomenon know as global warming, there are still proponents who refuse to believe that the world is being threatened by such a gigantic trouble. These groups of learned global warming skeptics have strong standpoint opposing the global warming hysteria. As one has put it, the desire to save humankind is oftentimes candy coated with the rather willful urge to rule. Where then is the drawing line that will categorize the truth or fallacy of this climatic phenomenon?

Global warming skeptics bonded themselves in an association called Global Climate Coalition. It is primarily composed of great and influential people from the trade industry and corporate sector. Global warming skeptics present themselves as front liners for the business sector in the sensational global warming debate. They have traveled the extra mile to uphold their battle cry to express their belief that the mitigating climate change is nothing but natural phenomenon that has created hysteria because of media and scientific sensationalism. Global warming skeptics have funded a multi-billion dollar advertising campaign against the Kyoto Protocol being the brain behind the study of the global climate change. This coalition has remained to be a strong and powerful voice which aims to block the unnecessary debate regarding the issue. In a nutshell, the global warming skeptics are one in believing that the sudden climate change is nothing but a natural cycle in the planet and people will toll expensively to control it but to no avail. This simply brings to light the gaps in the studies that have led to the adoption of the principles stood for by the Kyoto Protocol.

The hot issue about the environment has become ordinary topic for discussion by scholars in the academe. It has created a name on its own that it even stirred the political arena. But from the part of the global warming skeptic’s point of view, critical thinking about the issue will take away the artificial hysteria that has been played by the media. Basically, their stand rejects the universally accepted conclusion that Mother Nature is upset thus an abnormal climate change is taking place. They believe, on the other hand, that this is purely a natural occurrence in the life of the planet so that the results of its ill-effects to humankind cannot and should not just be accounted as rooted in man’s activities. Global warming skeptics further believe that this phenomenon has been going for the last 4.5 billion years and the hype that the scientists attach to it is purely a politicized movement.

Global warming skeptics believe that most scientists are in consensus about global warming even without understanding fully the science beneath the papers of the arguments. They remain adamant in believing that there is no basis for any such consensus and that the truth is that the global warming phenomenon is one big political lie.

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