Main Types Of The Geothermal Heat Pumps
Heat pumps are well known as a rather efficient method for heating and cooling space comparing with the conventional household units. They use very small amount of power for operating by way of rendering heat from one area to another. Heat pumps are often considered to be multifunctional systems performing both heating services and cooling services.
They can be applied with two main functions as air conditioner within summer or as a furnace within cold seasons of the year. They are actually working according to the same principles as an air conditioner but they can as well simply shift from it and start pumping heat if needed.
The complete delete the need two install a couple of different systems and do not need burning fossil fuel at all, they are simply getting heat from one place and bringing it to the other. There exist three main types of the heat pumps, among them are ground source heat pump, air source heat pump and absorption.
For instance, speaking about air heat pumps they are known to be drawing heat from the air located outside in winter but by making the process reversed they are pumping the air from inside into outside in summer.
Heat pumps work really good in cooperation with other systems of heating. With the only unit that can be replaced time from time, such heat pumps can be working well for more than thirty years.
Probably you have already heard about geothermal heat pumps getting their heat from the ground. Such a source of the heating air is actually considered to be much more stable and reliable than air source heat pumps that more often need attention and even repairing. Geothermal heat pumps are also known to be more economically efficient and reducing bad influence upon caused by pollution, global warming, electricity, etc..
The type of the heat pumps called “ground exchange” is constantly applying ground current heat and exchanging it with temperatures inside your home. In case you are planning to install this kind of a heat pump at home be sure to possess a heat exchanger that should be set either against ground surface or water surface to function in the proper way.
The heat pump called “direct exchange” applies instead of a direct refrigerant a single loop one, which has a direct contact to the ground.
One more type is “closed loop” and such a system is as a rule applying two loops on the ground side and one loop in the cabinet of the gear which is engaged in taking the temperatures from the ground as a main source.
Closed loops geothermal heat pumps in their turn can be distributed into two main types, horizontal and vertical.
Which one you prefer is your choice!
No doubt electricity has a significant place in our lives. In many cases people want to have an independent or alternative power supply source. If you are one of those who are looking for information on Air Source Heat Pumps, please check out this site. There you may discover lots of details about Renewable Heat Incentive and how to order it.
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