Cheap Green Laser Pointers – Don’t Let a Deal Trick You

With so many different cheap green laser pointers available online today, it can be difficult to determine where to actually buy one and get the best deal for your effort. Here is a quick check list of things to keep in mind whenever you are considering to buy a laser online so you can avoid the common pitfalls of “deals” that are not all they appear.

1. “What’s too good to be true, usually is” – You may have heard this saying before when it comes to buying anything online, when it comes to cheap laser pointers this is something you want to keep in mind. Because of the level of craftsmanship needed to produce a high quality pointer that will actually last you, a lot of the cheaper models available are just that, too cheap for comfort. If you have ever looked online you can find different green laser pointers running different powers for many different prices. The trick is that the cheapest models don’t perform well and do not offer safety features that will protect your eyes, with the cheapest varieties you run the risk of eye damage to yourself and any spectators. When a 100mW is available for less than $100 I would seriously scrutinize it and plain old not trust it.

2. Value – It may seem like a no brainer to just go straight away for the cheapest price you find online, but that is exactly what it becomes, a “no brain” decision. It may not make sense how some lasers will have similar specifications and supposed performance but vary so greatly in cost. The difference comes down to longevity (expected life time), quality of laser diode, warranty period, design, collimation (thinness of beam), and more. The cheapest deals online are not always the best and in fact you are running the risk of buying a laser pointer that will feel flimsy and burn out in less than a week.

3. Warranty - the cheapest laser pointers online will simply not offer you any type of warranty or guarantee that the gadget will perform how the company claims it will. This means you can pull it out of the box, pop in fresh batteries, and it either burns out or doesn’t work and the retailer will just turn a blind eye. They have your money, and you are out of luck. You want to ensure that any laser pointer you are going to buy, especially at a good cheap price, offers some time of protection and warranty to your purchase, at least 30-90 days. So if anything is out of place you are protected.

Cheap green laser pointers don’t have to be pieces of junk that burn out and don’t perform, but only if you know where to look and buy one that meets a few simple industry standards. There are plenty of retailers out there more than willing to sell you garbage and run away with your cash in their pocket. Do a little research, see what type of reputation any laser brand has, what you can expect from the green laser, what type of life time and warranty are offered you if you buy, and don’t just flat out jump at what seems like a great deal. Often times with high tech gadgets, a little more research or small investment makes all the difference between something that breaks quick or something that will last you potentially years to come.

James advocates the use of various forms of laser technology in everyday life and prefers cheap green laser pointers from trusted retailers who meet a few obvious industry standards, like warranties, email support, and quality craftsmanship. He has seen too many people get burned by supposed “deals” that end up being junk.

Author: Jim Bradley
Article Source:
Canada duty rates

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