Why Invest in Renewable Energy For Developing Countries?

Why invest in Renewable energy? (Clean, abundant and free)

Africa unlike the rest of the world is very rich in largely untapped reserves of renewable energy. We have a large market for renewable energy harvesting equipment. The fact that most parts of Africa do not have centrally generated grid electricity provides a unique opportunity for exploring and implementing renewable energy solutions for the continents development.

Modern technology and mass production has made renewable energy affordable to the majority of poor local farmers. Fossil fuels are running out, and the only real answer to tackling global warming is to use renewable sources of energy. This is the power of the future. With harvesting of jatropha and carbon credit we are assured a revenue source to afford purchase of equipment for harvesting a continuous supply of energy to fuel the countries development.

The money invested by world bank through the government and channeled through SACCOs and microfinance institutions, empowers the people of the rural area with capacity through subsidized loans, to access power.

Jatropha bio fuel cash crop gives them the capacity to pay back. Installing clean renewable energy off grid power farms and distributing the power to the village community throughout the country is the key to rural electrification and development. This can be supplemented with solar home systems.

This company will sell power and equipment to the rural community. The company will also sell biofuel stoves and lanterns. This will attract rural people to grow jatropha in large quantity and build capacity for replacing imported fuel and have a potential for export.

In general:

The huge market we have for renewable energy is very active and they would like to install solar. Some are put off because of the high cash purchase cost. They always want to pay for the products and take it with them the same day.

This means that a company must have enough capital to stock solar systems and accessories. The company should also have a well trained workforce as stand by. This needs a company to have enough capital to invest both in stock of various capacities.

The disadvantage local vending companies have is renewable energy systems are capital intensive and to stock them needs a very big capital investment that they do not have. The introduction of rural electrification program solves this problem by enabling the Sacco to pay the vendor upfront while they collect from the farmer on easy installments over a period of 1 to 3 years.

We expect to introduce off grid power supply systems with bio fuel genset as back up. We also intend to encourage local farmers to grow Jatropha as a cash bio fuel crop to supply the needs of the biofuel genset and other bio-diesel engine driven machinery.

We have taken deep interest in Jatropha as a cash crop and source of bio fuel. In our extensive research on this plant we find that it is a suitable plant for the country’s development and a means of a forestation, restoring of soil quality, poverty alleviation and a better health for the people in the villages.

3 years from now we should see several renewable energy off grid farms installed in village locations in different part of Uganda distributing power to the village households. With several jatropha farms in these areas, we should see several extraction and processing facilities at different strategic locations in the rural community where farmers can bring their Jatropha seeds for extraction into bio diesel. This bio diesel would be used to power their back up generators, fuel transport vehicles for their produce, and tractors for large-scale cultivation of farms. We also see conversion workshops being set up in Uganda to change fossil fuel diesel driven vehicles to run on straight vegetable oil.

We should see villages well lit and with different development projects and established cottage industries making most of the day to day used products. Fetching and using of firewood & charcoal in both the villages and the city and its resultant danger to health should be a thing of the past. Uganda should be able to produce fuel and blend fuel with fossil fuels.

Uganda cannot distribute power to the villages relying on the national grid. The way forward is to get distributed renewable energy power supply systems to tap on the country’s vast renewable energy potential to supply power to its people. We must source the technology since the funds to achieve this are in place.

Local economic impact of the business

The bio fuel stove will change the lives of Ugandan people who have been using firewood, charcoal, gas and electricity for cooking. The better, cheaper, environmentally friendly and health advanced cooking system using bio fuel stove. Jatropha as a cash bio fuel crop will increase people’s purchasing power. This will provide jobs to the youth and stop their migration to the cities in search for jobs. This will reduce on the current congestion of the cities.

Our website has information on renewable energy. There are sources of solar kits, generators, conversion kits and all other components needed for the renewable energy industry. If you cannot see what you want on the site, then write to us we will be able to provide you with some details.

info@greenenergy4africa.ws, tech@greenenergy4africa.ws and our website http://www.greenenergy4africa.ws.

Author: Charlie Kayongo M.
Article Source: EzineArticles.com
Provided by: Digital TV, HDTV, Satellite TV

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