The Advantages of Renewable Energy

We live in a time where the almighty dollar is stretched to its limits. Foreclosures and unemployment are at an all time high. Each day the planet we live on is being damaged by the cars we drive and production of toxic materials. So we cut back on our spending. We take on more than one job. We recycle. We try to be more conscience about the things we use that can be harmful to the environment.

The questions we keep asking ourselves is, “Why does this feel like its never enough? Why does my financial situation stay the same no matter how hard I try? Why does the environment continue to get worse?” So, what are we to do?

Well, to change the way things have gone, we need to change some things that got us there. I am, by no means, a financial adviser. What I am is just an ordinary, everyday person trying to exist. I actually am an electrical contractor and have been for 18 years. What I have seen over the years is many different items show up trying to save electricity, ultimately helping people save money on their energy bills.

There’s programmable thermostats, different types of dimmers, compact fluorescent and LED bulbs, etc. However, none of these can even compare to the idea that has been getting much attention lately…renewable energy. Renewable energy is basically what it says it is, an energy that can be used, and renewed. Some examples of renewable energy are:

Solar Energy- power from the sun.
Wind Energy- power from wind.
Hydropower- power from water.
Geothermal Energy- heating/cooling from the Earth.

The great thing about renewable energy is not only is it more cost efficient, but it has literally no emissions released when being used. So, we’re basically covering two areas that we talked about earlier: saving money, and helping the environment. Now, the up-front cost of installing renewable energy systems are a little more than traditional systems, but in the long run, it more than pays for itself. The government is also giving tax rebates back for installing these type systems, some as high as 30%!

There are also many means of building and creating your own form of renewable energy, such as solar panels, wind generators, and micro hydropower. A lot of these can be done for little money, and help create energy on smaller scales.

Want to know more about renewable energy? Get some more info on it at

Paul Hundrieser

Author: Paul Hundrieser
Article Source:
Provided by: Latest trends in mobile phone

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